In the 21st century, it is not enough to graduate from a high school or a university. Everyone but especially young generations need new skills to be successful in the information age. Unfortunately, these skills are not covered in the formal education curriculum in Turkey. Therefore, CYDD started two new projects for its socio-economically disadvantaged secondary and high school female students. Seminars' contents are prepared and conducted by professional instructors.
Many children in Turkey cannot access quality education due to financial and cultural reasons. CYDD works to ensure that disadvantaged children from every region of Turkey have equal opportunities in education. Unlike the inadequate formal education that children receive at school, CYDD projects aim to teach children how to access and use information and obtain 21st century skills to enable them to compete in life after graduation.
CYDD offers free of charge education on subjects that are suitable for the needs of the age, which disadvantaged students can't access by their own means. Online workshops such as STEM, Python, gender equality, sustainability, analytical thinking and philosophy open new horizons. With projects aiming to provide 21st century competencies, CYDD directs children to think and explore. CYDD shapes its programs with a holistic perspective and supports students from both secondary and high schools.
By providing knowledge and skills through education projects to 1000 female students each year, CYDD educates self-confident, analytical thinking, creative leaders. The knowledge and skills gained through the projects help them through school education but also provide an important advantage for their future careers. Students who produce and learn with new perspectives, shape their and the country's future.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).