In Kerala, India, the district of Idukki, a place, suffered a massive devastation in August 2018 with flood and land sliding. People dispossessed of all they had, have no place to go back to and no place to build anew. Hilly and inaccessible, Idukki is also an easy target for frequent natural disasters.Project Punarjani is an initiative for building a community for 7 of such families who lost their dwelling.
There are quite a few people, who lost almost everything during the massive flood happened in August 2018, and few of them are not eligible for support from Government since they were living in land which is outside revenue records. Punarjani's first attempt on rehabilitation is to support the development and construction of a model community comprising of 7 eligible families from the district of Idukki, Kerala, India.
We have received 70 cents of land as donation. Approximate cost of one house is $11,000-$12,000. Project Punarjani has raised money for 3 houses and require funds for rest of there 4 houses planned.
Utilization of the land for inhabitation, agriculture or any other developmental activity has been undertaken only after considering the climatic and ecological implication of such development, so as to minimize the impact of natural calamities in future. Human nature is much influenced by where one lives and works. Well-thought-out surroundings lead to societies that think well. Also, relocating to a place where the nature is not prone to calamities is the key.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).