STAND: The Haiti Project is providing safe, year-round rehabilitation at our clinic in Port-de- Paix. The clinic serves adults with neurologic and orthopedic injuries in one of the lowest income communities in Haiti, providing physical therapy, wound care, primary medical care and health education. Even in these unstable times, our clinicians continue to provide care through community education, PT/OT student clinical education, and ensuring people have access to safe rehabilitative care.
Access to medical care has always been limited in Haiti; however, the country's rising level of instability and economic hardship and lack of medical infrastructure have left the people of Port-de-Paix, Haiti with almost no access to healthcare and rehabilitative services. Fear, combined with limited health education, mean that people are slipping further into disability and disease, and perpetuating a cycle of pain, disability, illness, poverty, and stigma.
The STAND clinic is one of the few medical clinics in northwestern Haiti that continues to provide care to anyone in need. By keeping the clinic open, we can provide up to date education to our patients and their families, decrease pain, and assist those who are injured to return to work. In addition to educating our patients and their families following stroke, fracture, or any other injury, we can continue to provide quality health education year- round.
STAND's Haitian- run, year-round clinic will allow the people of Port-de-Paix to have their injuries, pain, and impaired movement addressed and treated in a timely manner. Additionally, STAND trained Haitian therapists will address chronic concerns such as high blood pressure, uncontrolled blood sugar and dehydration. This approach will decrease preventable diseases, improve overall health and wellness, and reduce the stigma associated with disability, allowing more people to return to work.
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