Provide life changing education to children in DRC

by Congo Children Trust
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC
Provide life changing education to children in DRC


Kimbilio has opened an amazing primary school, the only one in the area, offering the chance for former street children & local children living in poverty, to attend school! We will be giving the children the very best opportunities in life. Your support will enable more children to attend, as well as offering quality education. We are the only school in the area to provide computers and IT training, putting Kimbilio students ahead of the game when it comes to further education & finding a job.

total goal
monthly donors


There are 7 million children out of school in D.R.Congo between the ages of 5 and 17 according to UNICEF. In Lubumbashi and other large urban areas of Congo many children live on the streets with no family support around them. This causes many challenges for society. For the children themselves it means having to grow up very fast and forfeit the chance of going to school.


The Kimbilio Primary School is offering the chance of education for up to 330 children and gain a new outlook on the world. The chance of an education for these children will offer new hope to children who would not have dreamed this could be possible. This school will help children to feel part of their communities and prevent them from being disengaged and easy targets for rebel groups like the Mai Mai who are active in the area.

Long-Term Impact

This school will help to reintegrate children previously on the margins of society and enable them to become fully functioning and integrated members of society again. This will improve the quality of life for many people living in Luowoshi the area where the school is based. The education provided will stand the children in better stead to move on to further education and gain employment after school.


Organization Information

Congo Children Trust

Location: Manchester - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @kimbiliodrcongo
Project Leader:
Andrew Mullens
Manchester , United Kingdom

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