Dear Supporters,
We are at a critical juncture in our fight against overfishing and illegal fishing, including the devastating practice of shark finning. The global shark population is at a dangerously low level, largely due to inadequate management, control, and surveillance in certain countries. This is why your support and contributions are so vital to our cause.
Your generous donations enable us to strategically allocate resources where they will have the most impact. In the last quarter, we prioritized surveillance over other initiatives such as research. While we would have loved to fund research to educate governments and encourage them to take a stronger stance, we had to address the immediate threat posed by the increasing number of illegal fishing boats.
Our efforts have been successful, with our team saving many sharks from illegal fishing. However, we recognize that this approach is not sustainable in the long run. As we move forward, we will be reviewing our fundraising strategies to focus on more sustainable solutions.
We are entirely funded by you, our incredible supporters, friends, and family. Your contributions make our work possible and for that, we are eternally grateful. We invite you to join us on our mission or learn more about our work.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering support. We encourage you to continue contributing towards this noble cause. Every donation brings us one step closer to a sustainable and balanced marine ecosystem.