Protect Endangered Species

by World Wildlife Fund - US
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Protect Endangered Species
Protect Endangered Species
Protect Endangered Species
Protect Endangered Species
Protect Endangered Species
Protect Endangered Species
Protect Endangered Species


Donations to this project support WWF's global efforts to protect endangered species, restore critical ecosystems, and identify nature-based solutions to help mitigate further habitat loss and the impacts of climate change.

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Over the last 50 years, 69% of wildlife populations have disappeared. There are currently 1 million species at risk of extinction. Our planet's species can't survive in our degraded ecosystems, and this compromised state reduces nature's capacity to protect human life. Nature is severely compromised in ways that are impacting how we live our daily lives- from devastating storms and forest fires, destruction of our forests and water ways, to resource scarcity and infectious diseases.


Your support of WWF helps us halt deforestation, restore habitat ecosystems, and further our mission is to create a future where people and nature can live in harmony. With donors like you by our side, we fight climate change, restore our forests, end poaching and online wildlife trafficking, and eliminate plastic pollution in nature. Please donate today. Be the voice that nature so desperately needs. Your donation will support WWF's global conservaion efforts.

Long-Term Impact

Human activity that destroys the planet puts all life at risk-because it is our home. As humanity's footprint expands into once-wild places, we're devastating species populations. But we're also exacerbating climate change and increasing the risk of zoonotic diseases like COVID-19. We cannot shield humanity from the impacts of environmental destruction. It's time to restore our broken relationship with nature for the benefit of species and people alike.


Organization Information

World Wildlife Fund - US

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @world_wildlife
Project Leader:
Cheron Carlson
Washington , DC United States
$11,809 raised of $1,000,000 goal
168 donations
$988,191 to go
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