Supporting small-scale farmers in Colombia requires MAFS, an agro-ecological model for sustainable families. This project seeks to encourage local production, distribution and consumption in Subachoque, Cundinamarca. Through a formative model provided by our organization, a network of 20 farmer's initially, will acquire techniques and supplies to build a sustainable sowing model. Local markets and the communities health will benefit from this entrepreneurship, aiming for a 0km consumption.
The FAO and CEPAL forewarn that the current crisis of COVID-19, could become not only a sanitary crisis but a food crisis. This would mean a setback in the fight against hunger in Latin America. Colombia has a great number of fertile soils but the rural development is slow and the commercialization system is not always fair with small producers, rural poverty is an urgent matter.
Proyectando Sin Fronteras, in alliance with Centro Sofia Koppel and CMMC will contribute to food security by encouraging local production, consumption and innovation. Subachoque's local community will benefit from a greener and healthier way of consuming. Sustainable production will be reinforced by this formative process to small producers. This project concerns climate change and the current COVID-19 crisis.
The project will train 20 local producers into the agroecological model, which will allow them to improve their crops and innovate their techniques. Furthermore, local community will benefit from this local production, bringing food security. Strong producer networks and local leaderships will emerge which will allow this project to carry on and form more producers in the future. After monitoring the outcome of the project, this model can be reproduced in Colombian rural areas.