Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty

by Rosa Vera Fund, Inc.
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty
Help Bolivian Children Living in Poverty


We provide intensive physical/speech therapy and basic education to Bolivian children with special healthcare needs, who live in extreme poverty.. We work in Montero, Bolivia. Without our organization, these children would not have the opportunity to receive these therapies. Children previously unable to walk are gaining the strength to walk with special braces or walkers; children unable to use their hands are learning to feed themselves, or hold a pencil to write.

total goal
monthly donors


Children born with special healthcare needs (i.e. cerebral palsy, epilepsy, physical disabilities) who live in poverty suffer a miserable life and preventable early death. Chronically ill children demand so much of the family's resources that every member is adversely affected, often forcing the family into dire poverty. Our therapy center located in the community of Montero, Bolivia addresses all these concerns.


"La Escuelita" - the Little School- provides intensive physical/speech therapy, day care, and daily nutrition to children who suffer from special health care needs. Parents are taught how to continue the therapy skills at home, as well as how to provide a nutritious meal for a child suffering from malnutrition. When we help the weakest member of the family, the entire family benefits and moves away from dire poverty.

Long-Term Impact

Our intensive, comprehensive approach results in formerly immobile children learning to walk and use their hands, leading to greater independence. Children previously unable to speak are now able to express themselves. Siblings are able to stay in school, preparing them for better paying jobs. Mothers are able to return to the workforce, knowing their child is being cared for. The social stigma of having a disabled child is greatly lessened as parents regain some control over their lives.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).


Organization Information

Rosa Vera Fund, Inc.

Location: Douglas, AZ - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @RosaVeraFund
Project Leader:
Karen Melk
Douglas , AZ Bolivia
$18,484 raised of $30,000 goal
248 donations
$11,516 to go
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