Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game

by Centro Esportivo e Educacional Jorginho - Bola Pra Frente
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game
Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game

Project Report | Dec 6, 2023
MONITORING REPORT - Perfect Crossing

By Lucas Miato | Social Project Specialist

Sport class
Sport class


At Bola Para Frente, Integral Education servesas a driver for our programs and projects,which use this course as a basis for thecontent covered in class. Thus, the Instituteapplies an active development methodologyfocused on the student, disseminated throughthe Perfect Crossing Program and its projects,working with the aim of ensuring that children,adolescents, young people and communitieshave, at the end of the pedagogical trainingcourse, the skills that constitute them asautonomous beings capable of acting andcontributing to the transformation of theworld.

Integral Education is a process of human developmentwhose objective is the continued training of theindividual. To achieve this, a pedagogical training pathis used covering five dimensions of development:physical, social, emotional, cultural and intellectual. Inthis sense, integral education considers the student asthe center of its action, assuming an active position ofautonomy in its teaching-learning process.Furthermore, Integral Education considers the differentactors involved in the education of the student, such asschool, territory, family, friends and educators, whotogether make up and direct a complete process ofhuman development. Therefore, Integral Educationstands out as a complete methodology that occurs allthe time, throughout life and in all spaces.

At Instituto Bola Pra Frente, sport is a language and,for this reason, “Perfect Crossing” was designed as aguiding program for all projects that take place at theInstitution, preserving the particularities of the actions,but being guided by this intentionality. The PerfectCrossing Program aims to pass on knowledge from onearea to another, creating a harmonious play betweensport, education and culture, enabling full interactionbetween the educator and the student, complementingeach other in favor of integral development ofparticipants.

In this way, all Perfect Crossing Program projects arebased on the development of skills and abilities, whichencourage students to build their life path, focusing onautonomy, freedom and social protagonism, in line withthe National Common Curricular Base.

Integral education is the central axis of any and allactions linked to the Program, as it guarantees thedevelopment of participants in all its dimensions,whether intellectual, physical, emotional, social andcultural, through activities linked to education, sportand culture, which are essential for its fulldevelopment and application.

The different areas of knowledge are respected in theirspecificities, but they do not fail to dialogue with different thematicaxes covered by the program, since the objective is to enhancediscussions, research and reflections. Thus, in all projects, studentsare encouraged to know, create, discuss and practice the differentways of experiencing the educational, sporting and cultural world.

At Perfect Crossing, our methodology believes that play helps in theprocess of breaking through socio-emotional blocks. In this sense,the creativity resulting from fantasy and realization facilitatesabsorption during the teaching-learning process. A creative beingcontributes to human development by observing the world andcriticizing, becoming a transformative agent who expresses himselfin different ways, with the aim of spreading ideas, having fun andinfluencing attitudes and behaviors. For this to happen, systematiccontact with recreational activities and their different languages isessential. Given this, education and sport, within a pedagogicalprocess, are intertwined, since sport is part of brazilian culture.

The "Perfect Crossing - Playing a Big Game" project aims to directlybenefit children and teenagers living in Complexo do Muquiço, servingstudents from the public school system who attend the project's classesafter school, with three-hour activities divided into two stages adaptedaccording to the age groups of the beneficiary students. In relation tothe two stages mentioned above, the following description stands out:

  • "Treino é Treino" stage - In this stage, students participate inclassroom activities that deal with different fields of knowledge,seeking integral training in the intellectual, physical, emotional, socialand cultural dimensions.
  • "Começa o Jogo" Stage - In this stage, students will participate inactivities that will focus on presenting the history and concepts ofsports in a practical way, where at each end of the activity they will beable to perform the movements learned using the educational sport.

That said, pedagogical and sporting activities are essential for the fulldevelopment and application of the concept of integral educationdeveloped by the Bola Pra Frente Institute. In this context, students areencouraged to know, create and practice various topics related to sportand education, so that they can experience real experiences in theeducational and sporting world. Classes are taught enabling integrationbetween theory and practice.

Practical activities are developed in a playful way in order to awaken thepleasure of accomplishment, encouraging meaningful learning. Furthermore, assport is applied in the daily language of the project, each class goes through thefollowing moments:

  • Warm-up: Moment in which the instructor talks to the students about theirdaily lives, resolves internal and external conflicts, encourages the studentto express events in their community, among others. It takes place at thebeginning of the class, in order to welcome the public.
  • Game Outline: At this stage, the rules of behavior and attitudes establishedby the instructor together with the group are recalled, in addition to theexplanation of the activities that will be carried out in the class.
  • Game: The activity itself.
  • Post-Game: Conversation with students about the activity. The positive andnegative events that occurred must be debated, developing the socialdimension of the public.

Thus, the project uses different forms of expression provided by sport andculture to expand the world view of the beneficiary public, valuing self-knowledge and contributing to the construction of local identity. The activitiesuse principles, techniques and procedures that guide children and adolescentstowards a physically healthy, mentally stimulating, socially useful and morallydignified education, contributing to the development of citizenship andencouraging social protagonism. It is a multidisciplinary program that seeks toassist children and adolescents in the region in growing their different skills.

Sport class
Sport class
Sport class
Sport class

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Organization Information

Centro Esportivo e Educacional Jorginho - Bola Pra Frente

Location: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @bolaprafrente
Project Leader:
Bola Pra Frente
Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro Brazil
$11,650 raised of $40,000 goal
23 donations
$28,350 to go
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