Project Report
| Jan 7, 2012
Community Education Journey
By Beverly Gilbert Stone | Director
![The Women's meeting at Kipsing]()
The Women's meeting at Kipsing
March 1-16,2012: Join us on a Community Educaiton Journey to rural Samburu in Kenya. We will visit some of the rural pastoralist girls that Expanding Opportunities is supporting. A visit to schools, children's homes and a community education workshop to inform and education about the Child Rights, Female Gential Mutilation and Early Forced Marriage laws in the new Kenya Constitution and the importance of Girl Child education will be conducted. To learn more visit
Meanwhile in Kenya, schools are reopening after the long holiday break. Unfortunately it is during this break that FGM is forced on many girls and they are married. The schools report their highest rate of girls not returning to classes. We look forward to the day we have enough funds to build the Ariemet-Kulea Rescue Center so the girls will have a safe place to spend the school holidays.
Oct 20, 2011
Two new girls rescued, sponsored and in school
By Beverly Gilbert Stone | Director
This month two new girls were rescued and are attending Kipsing Primary School.
Dela is ten years old and in Class One (First grade). The girl had voluntarily come to school, after a week her father came, took her home and brought a boy in exchange for the girl . Teh administration at Kipsing Primary school followed the matter. Finally the family allowed the girl go to school as long as the school would take care of her.
Juliza is nine years old and in Class One (First grade). She walked 10 km to the school. She was promised to a moran, (a Samburu young man who is in the period of life when they are the warriors. During this time they travel with the other Morans. After this time they marry and settle down.) This Moran who had given her beads and was engaged to marry her. She did not want to marry, she wanted to go to school like other girls. So she ran away from home to come to school.
The principal contacted us about these two girls and thanks to generous donors, Dela and Juliza are sponsored through the end of this year.
In March of 2012, Expanding Opportunities will be bringing another Community Educaiton Workshop to rural Samburu. WE have limited space on this journey. If you would like to come along, please visit the website for more informaiton.
Aug 5, 2011
Community Education Journey Planned
By Beverly Gilbert Stone | Director
![Women gathering for a community info mtg]()
Women gathering for a community info mtg
A Community Education journey is planned for March 1-16, 2012.
A group will travel to a remote village in Isiolo District, Kenya. The first stop will be at a school to discuss child rights, and girl child education with the students. The students will have an opportunity to discuss how they feel about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Early Forced Marriage (EFM). Then community meetings for women and men will be held separately. The laws a written in the new constitution forbidding FGM, EFM before the age of 18 and mandating girl child education will be discussed as well as the reasons behind the mandates.
This is an open journey, though limited in numbers. If you are interested in participating in this Service Journey, please email