Preserve My Story - Digiserve developed the Child at Risk System (CARS) to be an archive of all a child's information over their lifespan in the children's home as well as a health monitoring system that keeps up to date information on a child's physical, social, and mental wellbeing. Staff will have accurate and timely information about each child so they can all work together to make sure the child has the best environment and opportunities to develop.
There are over 500 children's homes in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They use a manual paper-based system to keep track of critical documents, health, and activity records. Each year, documents get lost, information goes missing, and social workers have to fill out long forms to report to government supervisors. Missing documents can prevent children from being adopted, missing information compromises the overall health of children, children lose parts of their history.
The Child at Risk System (CARS) archives all of a child's information over their lifespan in the children's home. It also monitors their health by keeping up to date information on a child's physical, social, and mental wellbeing. Staff and social services will all have accurate and timely information about each child to make sure the child has the best environment and opportunities to develop. Original documents are conserved, health trends are observed and history is preserved.
CARS will be made available to 100 children's home within the next year. It is currently being used by The Family Connection Foundation and needs to be enhanced to make it run as a cloud service that can manage hundreds of homes. Social workers will have more time with children by saving time on paperwork. More children will be adoptable because of preserved documents and their health easily monitored. Children will leave homes with a complete history and something to pass on to their children