will help a mother buy warm clothes for her newborn
can provide an expectant mother with supplies to safely deliver in an emergency. Essentials include prenatal vitamins, sterile sheets & misoprostol (to stop postpartum hemorrhaging)
sponsors a female community health volunteer's training in basic birthing practices
completes a skilled birth attendant's medicine bag, so that she can deliver a newborn in remote locations. Includes stethoscope & blood pressure cuffs
can train 5 community health volunteers to deliver clean birth kits & life-saving messages to remote areas
sponsors a skilled birth attendant (SBA) to participate in a 2-month training for safe birthing practices. Having an SBA present at birth is a global priority in reducing mortality.
buys an ultrasound for a remote birthing center. Regular ultrasounds are the most effective means for discovering warning signs during the perinatal period.
equips an existing birthing center with patient beds, delivery tables, solar electricity, vital medical equipment, autoclave sterilizer, & life-saving medications.