International Math and Knowledge Olympiad

by Instituto Alpha Lumen
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad
International Math and Knowledge Olympiad


The Math and Knowledge Olympics have as a general objective to encourage children and young people to value science and contribute to the reinforcement and expansion of content. It also aims to improve education through engagement in the dynamics proposed in an Olympics and to develop behavioral skills, besides identifying talents in each area of knowledge, opening opportunities to discover vocations and develop individual potential.

total goal
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The absence of challenges that cause the improvement of essential qualities for students and consequently the evolution of education. The theme of the Olympics is part of the policy of popularization of science and technology, however, the lack of effective participation of young Brazilians in these events causes the stagnation of our education.


We aim to strengthen academic content and promote interactions with collaborative work among students of different profiles - technical and mathematical areas, humanities and biological sciences - to favor the development of everyone.The idea is to stimulate the ability to develop research, critical thinking and other essential skills, whether in the educational or socio-emotional context.

Long-Term Impact

Through the International Math and Knowledge Olympiad we hope to encourage the study of mathematics and general knowledge in young people, especially students from public schools;to contribute to the improvement of education,the improvement of teachers and encourage the use of the Internet as a tool for learning;to promote cooperative learning and the development of social and emotional skills in relationships between students;to be an important experience in the field of knowledge olympiads.


Organization Information

Instituto Alpha Lumen

Location: Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Nuricel Villalonga
Sao Jose dos Campos , Sao Paulo Brazil
$110 raised of $113,000 goal
2 donations
$112,890 to go
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