As a direct result of this increase in marine poaching and the impact that it has, Enviro Crime Solutions has embarked on programs to support and be active involved in fighting marine poaching in its various forms. To achieve this we are actively involved in the support, funding and management of several operations fighting marine poaching specifically in the Eastern Cape - South Africa.
The poaching of specifically Abelone has become a major problem right around the world. Mass quantities of this species are being poached every day and as a result we have extended our mandate to include marine protection. Along with secondary objectives of keeping our oceans free from pollutants and waste, this is a massive task that requires urgent and continues intervention.
By striking at the heart of the problem and using our experience in Conservation Law enforcement we aim to make a significant impact. Making a difference where it matters most. Working in tandem with various other stake holder we aim to hit at the heart of the problem by utilizing an existing network of informants, assets and experience to cut to the core of the problem.
By interventions that strike at the heart of the problem we will make a significant impact on the syndicated poaching of marine resources. As these poaching syndicates are well oiled machines, our aim to strike at the heart of operations will disable the ability to plan and execute major poaching plans. By utilizing local volunteers to assist in cleaning of beaches and other marine areas it will build a formidable front of community support against these syndicates.
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