Nutritious Meal plan Intervention for Mother and Children addresses the critical issue of child malnutrition and high maternal and infant mortality rates in Nigeria by providing tailored nutrition plans, education, and economic empowerment to vulnerable mothers and children, ensuring healthier futures and breaking the cycle of poverty and malnutrition.
Many underserved communities faces a severe malnutrition crisis, particularly among pregnant and nursing mothers, and infants in Nigeria. According to UNICEF, 5 in 10 children under five are malnourished, contributing significantly to the country's high infant and maternal mortality rates. Malnutrition undermines child survival, leading to developmental delays, increased susceptibility to diseases, and higher mortality rates. Addressing this issue is crucial to improving health outcome.
The project will tackle malnutrition and high infant and maternal mortality rates by providing comprehensive support to pregnant and nursing mothers, and infants in low-income Nigerian communities. Through the program we provide customized meal plans, health education, biweekly monitoring, micronutrient supplementation, and urban farming training.
1. The project will improve the nutritional status and health of 500 vulnerable children, reducing malnutrition and mortality rates. 2. By educating and empowering 200 women on proper nutrition, meal preparation, and urban farming to reduce malnutrition and boost livelihood.
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