This project will provide a nutritional breakfast and lunch for 150 students and teachers in our 2 schools in Petare. With the support of a team of doctors and other health experts, we'll diagnose students, teachers, and families to provide appropriate health treatments. In the process, we'll deliver workshops to teach healthy habits and disease prevention to attack the serious nutritional and health crisis that affects Venezuela. OSCASI has served low-income families in Petare for 60 years.
Venezuela is facing an alarming socioeconomic crisis, with 1.000.000% inflation for 2018 (IMF) and lack of basic food stamps and medicines. This is severely affecting children. Unofficial data shows a 50% increase in the number of school children with nutritional deficits and stunted growth, resulting in low cognitive ability and academic performance. Additionally, deficient public services (water, sewerage, waste management) has increased the prevalence of previously eradicated diseases.
This project started by assessing the health conditions and nutritional status of our 150 students, teachers, and personnel. We're implementing renewed nutritional meal plans for our schools and training our kitchen staff. With several health "marathons", in which we bring doctors to school, we're diagnosing and treating basic health conditions of our children, personnel, and families. A complete series of workshops is aimed to improve nutritional, hygiene and health habits at home.
The program will provide adequate nutrition for 150 students, this will help them achieve their cognitive and health potential. We'll improve the health of around 500 people by diagnosing and seeking appropriate medical treatment. Through the health workshops, we aim to reduce the future incidence of preventable diseases, thus improving the overall health of over 170 families and guaranteeing a sustainable impact for this project.