We have 17 years working together, with the Wixarika Indigenous Community, delivering our nutritional complement, named "ONIformula", to 1100 beneficiaries, which is designed especially for children with low weight and size. In addition, of the delivery we provide nutritional follow up to the children that receive it, we measure and weight them to know their nutritional state. Also, we diagnose and treat anemia, and give nutritional talks to parents to change alimentary and hygene habits.
Children need a proper alimentation in their first 1000 days of life, this in order to have a correct cognitive and immune system development, if children fail to receive all the necessary nutrients, they will start to develop different problems such as susceptibility to illness, slower learning process and also will affect their height and cognitive capacity. The children of the Wixarika Community are especially vulnerable, this due to the economic instability of the region and inequality.
We believe that proximity, to our beneficiaries and the context we interact with, is the key to deliver a correct impact and reach all of our beneficiaries. We interact in order to fulfill the basic needs of our beneficiaries, such as nourishment, this is because we consider that we have to facilitate the means to basic human rights in order to start solving other problematics. But we don't focus only on the basic needs; through our educational talks, we aim to achieve a sustainable impact.
The long-term impact we want to achieve is the creation of healthier food habits, were people start identifying when there is an alimentary decision to make, take the best option for their health, and through repetition make this kind of actions habits. With this and with our educational talks, we want to achieve a long-term solution to a problem that seems it is going to be still a challenge for rural communities, .
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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