Beneficiaries Nutritional Program End children chronical kidney disease in Poncitlan Preventing COVID-19 with the Wixarika communities

Organismo de Nutricion Infantil, A.C.

Org #50239
Vetted since 2018 Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


To prevent child malnourishment and its consequences through the formation of the parents or tutors and to recover the children that suffer it through the manufacture and supply of nutritional complements and nutritional follow up in order to stimulate a well-nourished childhood since the prenatal stage.

Project Leaders
Analia Castro
Analia Castro
Celso Rodrigo Rangel Balderas
Celso Rodrigo Rangel Balderas
Maria T Gomez Aguiar
Organization Information
Blvd. Marcelino Garcia Barragan #1280
Guadalajara, 44430
+52 1 33 33453181
Organization Information
Blvd. Marcelino Garcia Barragan #1280
Guadalajara, 44430
+52 1 33 33453181

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

The reality of the Wixarika Communities in need


Querido donante,  Esta vez queremos contarte sobre las comunidades donde residen nuestros niños de la Sierra Wixárika, ya que es importante conocer las condiciones de vida que... Read the full report ›

How do we help?


Querido donante,    Este mes queremos contarte cómo trabajamos en ONI para combatir la malnutrición en niños y niñasen condiciones vulnerables que viven en... Read the full report ›

Nutritional education at the Sierra Wixarika

By Analia Castro | Project Leader

This time we want to tell you about our educational program; the ‘ONIdiarioWixárika’. It consists of an educational tool designed for the learning of boys... Read the full report ›
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