This project will work on modernizing the material around the movie about "Il Canto Sospeso", Luigi Nono's composition, which is at the core of the Nono Project. The movie has been distributed over 11,000 times to schools across different countries in Europe. The goal is to start a dialog about humanity, tolerance, the importance of peace and the inalienability of human rights. The movie and materials need to be modernized to fit into the modern and faster moving world and allow a wider spread.
The material of the Nono project was created in the 1990s and continued in the 2000s and has been recorded in several languages. The result is an impressive film based on Luigi Nono's "Il Canto Sospeso". It is now time to adapt the material to the progressive digitalisation of education and thus to achieve even wider distribution. Significant financial resources are needed to prepare the material, to maintain and further distribute it.
We assume that the central work will take at least one year - but then the material will be provided far beyond that. In the long term, the provision of the material on the web should facilitate distribution without having to rely on physical media, but must be constantly maintained and expanded to remain current and available to pupils, teachers and multipliers in the field of education all over Europe and to encourage them to engage in a dialogue about humanity and tolerance.
Especially in current times, where thoughtfulness has been replaced by populism and short-sightedness in both public and political discourse, we believe it is important to re-embrace the core values of our human culture, first and formost humanity, tolerance, the importance of peace and the inalienability of human rights.