The National Good Food Network (NGFN) webinars explain food system innovations across the country, presented by the innovators themselves. Thousands of people, in roles from producer to consumer, government to nonprofit, food hub to funder and more, have attended the interactive webinars, taking practical, actionable information and ideas to their own work. This initiative is part of the Wallace Center, in support of entrepreneurs and communities as they build a new, 21st century food system.
Communities work in different cities and neighborhoods, but frequently face similar-often systemic-problems as they work to bring more healthy, regionally and sustainably grown food to their families at affordable prices. Our webinars give them the opportunity to share what they've learned, ask questions about their work, and build partnerships for both local and systemic change.
Over the past three years, our interactive webinars have offered almost 8000 practitioners and local food champions the opportunity to connect. They provide an opportunity for communities who may not always have access to experts, to cutting edge research from others across the country, or the resources for frequent travel to conferences or trainings, to take advantage of the fast pace of innovation, learning, and community-led economic development flourishing in local food work today.
Our webinar series is an effective means for improving the food system. By sharing the best-of-breed and cutting edge ideas and models, we have been able to spur innovation across the country. Many attendees have connected to our presenters to further their own work. Our attendees are from all parts of the food system, from producers through distributors, retailers, consumers and funders, and all over the country, sharing cutting-edge ideas and models, thereby creating large scale change.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).