Together with, this project will provide 2 new industrial stoves to Makindu Children's Centre in Makindu, Kenya, ensuring our ability to continue to feed hundreds of hungry orphaned girls and boys for years to come. The Children's Centre provides breakfast and lunch for up to 100 AIDS orphans daily and more than 300 on the weekends. The current stoves are in desperate need of replacement.
300 children access meals at the Centre on a weekly basis. Almost 100 access meals daily. All children are orphaned and/or affected by AIDS, many do not eat an evening meal, and thus often go to bed hungry . For most, the Centre is their only access to a healthy meal. Our two cook stoves are in extreme disrepair and need replaced immediately, so that these kids can continue to access nutritional food.
In collaboration with our non-profit partner, we will purchase and deliver two new fuel-efficient industrial strength stoves.
These stoves are efficiently fueled by as little as 2 kg of firewood. The children will continue to receive daily and weekend meals. Fuel costs will be greatly reduced due to the efficiency of the stoves. The stoves will last 5-10 years, even in the harsh arid conditions of sub-Saharan Africa, where Makindu lies.