This project sustains a women-lead eatery which aims to provide supplementary meals for 50 pregnant and lactating mothers, income to provide livelihood and training opportunities for 5 women, and first year operating costs in San Benito, a region in Siargao with higher rates of child malnutrition, poverty, and limited work opportunities for women. The project is an extension that complements the already established program supporting maternal care, which has been operating for over 2 years.
Pregnant women are among the most at risk for malnutrition. Malnutrition in mothers during this critical period of development can lead to their child becoming stunted or wasted, and other health issues that have lasting health impact. In San Benito in March 2023 among children 5 years and below, 20% were stunted, 3.5% were wasted and 4.4% were obese. Since 2019, rates of stunting and wasting have risen. After 2 years the negative effects of malnutrition may be irreversible.
This project addresses the various contributors to malnutrition: high poverty rates, lack of education and limited capacity of health workers. Connected to the already operating Maternal Empowerment program, Kolekbibo will serve pregnant women supplementary meals, mothers will receive education on nutrition and maternal care in collaboration with the health care unit, and gain opportunities to develop skills and earn paid work.
The project will reduce malnutrition for 50 women and their children and create opportunities that empower women in the community. This infrastructure will sustain the model for the following years.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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