India, a country of 1.27 billion people, has won only 33 medals in the overall Summer Olympics and out of this 33 medals only three medals were won by female athletes. This limited accomplishment is due to lack of facilities, awareness and opportunities in rural India. Mann Deshi Champions program aims to provide sports facilities, equipment, training and nutrition to the rural children in Mhaswad, India. The objective of the program is to empower rural girl's holistic development through sport
India, a country of 1.27 billion people, has won only 33 medals in the overall Summer Olympics and out of this 33 medals only three medals were won by female athletes. This limited accomplishment is due to lack of facilities, awareness and opportunities in rural India.
Through this project Mann Deshi will provide required facilities, equipments,coaching,training of overall sports, nutrition and create peer groups where they can share their learnings and experiences.
Every household in rural part of Maharshtra will have at least one athlete in a family. Program also will create sports awareness, bring health stability and enhance social skills of the children.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).