Ability to read and write is vital in helping women and girls access important information, build self-esteem and confidence to walk with one's head high, while helping them to actively participate and have a voice at local and national level on issues that affect them. This project will equip the illiterate refugee women and girls with basic literacy and numeracy skills through a six months integrated Functional Adult Literacy program.
Over 75% of South Sudanese refugee women and girls at Adjumani have never gone to school and therefore lack basic skills for survival. The negative cultural believes and practices among south Sudanese communities coupled with years of war have contributed to high levels of illiteracy among especially women and girls. This has led to poor health among women and their children, unemployment with related cycle of poverty, increased exposure to sexual and gender based violence and low self-esteem.
Using trained community instructors, Voice for Humanity Uganda will establish 10 learning centers where between 15-25 adult women and girls who have never gone to school or dropped out of school at early stage will be enrolled to undergo six (6) months integrated functional adult literacy training program. The learners will be taught basic numeracy and literacy skills as well other social and economic issues that affect them like nutrition, child care, peace building and entrepreneurship.
Reduced Illiteracy levels among refugee women and girls leading to increased livelihood opportunities for sustainable economic security. Within 6 months of the project, 200 illiterate and poor women will be enrolled to undertake a 6 months literacy program that will be integrated with other social and economic skills. Additionally, they will be provided with startup capital for self-reliance.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).