As hard as it is to accept, we all get old! Hungary is also one of the aging societies. The number of isolated elderly people living alone is increasing. Volunteering Hungary's Elderly Friendly Program aims to reduce the number of people by further organizing volunteers who visit the elderly, help them with their everyday problems, and try to eradicate their loneliness. With your help, we can expand the groups to 20! 10-15 volunteers per group regularly visit 10-15 elderly people who live alone.
Hungary is also one of the aging societies. The number of elderly people living alone and isolated is increasing. There is no one to open the door for them, their phone does not ring. The Friends of the Elderly Program of the Voluntary Center Foundation in Budapest/Hungary wants to help them. Volunteers visit our elderly friends, talk and walk with them. They help to solve minor daily problems.
Throughout the year, we continuously organize common programs, thus trying to alleviate the loneliness and isolation of the elderly. Most recently, we celebrated Women's Day with kindergarteners and elementary school children, because we consider it important to eliminate the gap between generations. They can then continuously enjoy these experiences, even when the volunteers cannot be with them. We also provide assistance to our disadvantaged seniors in solving their daily problems.
We want to improve the mental health of the elderly who live alone and isolated. To bring fun into their lives so that they feel that there is meaning in living! This is our mission. Social effects: reducing loneliness in old age, increasing activity in old age, strengthening human relations and solidarity, spread why the volunteering is important. We want to continue this mission throughout the country, creating a network, this is our long-term vision.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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