Let's have breakfast together is a project of the program "Binomial Mother and Child" of the Amiguitos Royal Foundation. Its purpose is to offer nutritional support to 600 children from 6 months to 5 years, by inviting them to a daily breakfast that will give them 25% of the nutritions required. This is a solid community experience that involves among other actions: education, nutritional and neurodevelopment follow up, psychosocial accompaniment and the creation of family's support network.
3 of 10 children under 5 years, in Colombia, suffer malnutrition. This condition is also related to respiratory diseases and diarrhea. The causes are many and include lack of economic, educational and social resources. It is in the first 5 years when brain architecture is formed. In this period a balanced nutrition is vital to assure children the proper nutrients and therefor achieve an adequate neurodevelopment.
This project will provide breakfast to children of one of the poorest neighborhoods of Bogota, Colombia. A balanced breakfast will offer 25% of the nutrients that a child between 6 months and 5 years requires The first meal is considered the most important. The project has a high educational impact related to nutrition and also its importance is that it promotes that nourishment is not only about food but that it is about love and care in a positive environment.
As said before, the project has nutritional, educational and social impact. It has a long term educational and social impact. It will teach the importance of proper nutrients in each meal but will also educate in the importance of a positive environment. Investigations results show that when children leave the program they still maintain healthy because the modify their eating behaviors and understand about nutritious food in a no aggressive context.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).