Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!

by Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!
Let's create computer classroom for 504 students!


Primary school "Ilija Garasanin" in Arandjelovac is attended by 504 pupils and also have two classes for adult education. All of them are using this computer classroom but computers and furniture are outdated and not providing opportunity for developing IT skills. With this project we want to provide the school with quality PC components and modern furniture and to enable kids to learn more advanced programs and applications so much needed for future employment.

total raised
monthly donors


Unfortunately, kids are not having opportunity to learn and develop their IT knowledge and skills, since the computers are outdated. Their professors are very motivated to provide kids with learning tools but they are missing equipment for lectures. We are inviting donors to support this school with needed modern computer components which they can use with the existing equipment and eventually assemble quality computers they could use in the teaching process.


IT cabinet is currently have 30 monitors connected to 4 computer stations; with your support, we can upgrade those computers with quality components - hard disks, RAM memory, power supplies and also provide new PC tables and chairs and enable normal conditions for the education of the kids. We also asked for contribution of the local community - School have already financed renovation of the cabinet, one corporate donor have provided lap-top, 4 monitors to change broken ones and a scanner.

Long-Term Impact

With quality equipment, this primary school could provide modern IT lectures, develop pupils skills and further impact their education and positive guidance toward high school education and thinking about career in IT sector. Needed equipment will made IT cabinet up-to-date for following at least five years and provide good IT platform for hundreds of kids which will be more motivated to advance in IT and prepare themselves and develop skills needed for future employment.


Organization Information

Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation

Location: Belgrade, Serbia - Serbia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @fondacijadivac
Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation
Uros Delic
Project Leader:
Uros Delic
Belgrade , Serbia

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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