"Every penny you donate has a great value and 400 USD can buy 12 months of food for a child with Leukemia." All our activities and programs are funded by donations and support of our volunteers and donors. Among all our activities throughout the year, The Eid al-Adha / Kurban Campaign, is of special importance for LOSEV. With Kurban donations, we provide and distribute much-needed fresh meat products to our children under cancer treatment and families in poverty in the next 12 months.
87% of families who are registered to LOSEV, have minimum wage or below. One of the most important components in the treatment of leukemia is red meat and protein consumption. For this reason, the meat support provided by the Donations by Qurban Proxy gives life to Children with Leukemia who need a protein-based diet during the treatment process.
LOSEV has been making sacrifices by proxy for Leukemia and Cancer patients for 21 years and delivering it to thousands of patients who are registered to LOSEV, in the form of fresh meat and meat products, in vacuumed packages for 12 months. The donations you give regularly and equally throughout the year, are distributed in pieces of meat and steaks to families whose social examinations have been completed & who are listed according to their needs, among more than our registered70,000 families.
We know that a good and protein-rich diet is necessary for successful treatment and we provide the required support through the year by your Kurban donations. While treatment success in leukemia was around 20% in the 1990s, today the treatment success rate has reached 94% at LOSEV's LOSANTE Hospital in Ankara, with personalized treatments, healthy nutrition and care.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).