In East Africa, millions live in crowded slums. Youth survive but don't thrive. At Hot Sun Film School youth develop talents, tell their stories on film, become role models for peace and transform their communities.
Kenya is going through a challenging transition. Space is opening up for more freedom of expression. Yet the voices of the youth are not heard. Youth want to learn how to use video technology to tell and share their stories. They want to go beyond the negative stereotyping of people living in the substandard housing of urban slums in East Africa.
Working with talented youth, Hot Sun Foundation opens up the creative vent. At Hot Sun Film School youth are trained in all aspects of film making - scriptwriting, casting, acting, camera, sound, editing, marketing and distribution. Trainees film their stories, share their films at local events and get feedback at community screenings. Thousands of community youth are inspired by seeing their stories on video.
* Developing youth talent and creativity * Building youth self confidence * Changing how people living in urban slums are viewed * Developing film industry and employment * Film school model for East Africa
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).