By equipping, and training elementary classroom teachers to lead hands-on music for learning, you can improve student literacy, math & social-emotional well-being for thousands of children in underserved schools starting this Fall! This project brings crucial resources to teachers who are ready now to make a real difference for students. From Arizona to Florida, Oregon to New York, and places inbetween! Your gift will be matched to infuse classrooms & start free afterschool music clubs!
Every child benefits from singing and making music. it's an essential part of childhood that helps young children acquire language, math, social skills, and more. But with little access to music during their most formative years due to lockdown and budget cuts, and persistent pandemic learning loss, this generation is losing ground. Students are one to two years below grade level proficiency. So teachers need a positive, responsive way to engage, focus, and uplift all learners in catching up!
This project empowers GITC to bring daily music making to classrooms around the country with free supplies and ongoing training for teachers! They meet weekly after school to learn to play ukulele or guitar, sing, compose, and lead songs. They learn to facilitate collaborative student songwriting. We supply them with instruments, accessories, materials & ongoing free classes. Now we're adding coaching, residencies, and logistical help for teachers who are ready to expand GITC by training others!
This work instills life-long love of learning & success with music! It imparts a lasting solution because teachers train and keep playing for years at school. All children are reached, including those in under-resourced, Title 1 schools. GITC brings precious resources and musical access for all. Participating classrooms become more joyful, harmonious places where students bring up their skills, grades, test scores, and confidence. Teachers feel more effective and inspired, too. Music is the key!
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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