At Nucleo we believe every child should have the opportunity to learn music. Our free, immersive programme aims to make this a reality for the young people in the areas we serve, from every background and circumstance. We build strong, connected musical communities in which children discover and fulfil their potential, developing a range of learning and life-skills that can have a truly transformational impact. Running a free programme and providing free instruments is critical to these aims.
Nucleo works with children from all backgrounds, some who would have no ongoing music education without our free programme. In 2021 Ofsted found only 1 in 4 schools in areas of deprivation (like the ones we serve) offer music lessons. 41% of parents from low-income families say music lessons are beyond their budgets. With many struggling with rising living costs this figure may now be even higher. The need for our Nucleo is so great that we have a consistent waiting list of over 300 students.
With the support of generous donors like you, we can provide free access to a musical education as well as free instruments. Without this, the joy of music would sadly be beyond reach for many of the young people we work with. By providing them with free instruments you will be removing one of the main barriers that these young people face in discovering a passion, uncovering a talent and reaching their potential. Our work improves the quality of life for hundreds of young people each year.
Nucleo's ultimate goal for our students is that they leave us with more opportunities and a greater array of choices before them. Whether music becomes their future full-time career or a skill that fulfils their leisure-time, we believe that the more equipped young people are with learning and life skills, the better they know themselves, the more they are empowered and supported - the greater freedom they will have to build any life, and any future community, they choose for themselves.
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