Center for Inspired Teaching works with hundreds of teachers in public and public charter schools. We train teachers to create classrooms that engage students in lessons grounded in real-world issues. We have a commitment to working in schools with high-poverty rates, and we re-level the playing field by equipping students, through excellent instruction, with critical thinking and problem-solving skills in addition to mastery of key content and concepts.
Low-income students in the US are more likely than their affluent peers to experience a public education that emphasizes reciting, memorizing and repeating back answers. However, these are outdated skills in our globalized, knowledge economy. The skills most needed now are critical thinking and problem solving. That's where Inspired Teaching comes in. We train teachers to cultivate these skills in young people in urban public schools.
Inspired Teaching partners with the teacher as the leverage point for change in the education system. We invest in preK-12 teachers at all stages of their careers through programs that prepare new teachers, strengthen the practice of inservice teachers, and amplify teachers' work as changemakers. Through our programs, we ensure that every teacher becomes an Instigator of Thought.
Participants are trained to take on leadership roles in their schools and districts, creating a multiplier effect that extends the power of the Institute well beyond the participants' classrooms. The Inspired Teaching Institute aims to change the school experience for hundreds of thousands of students in the United States and beyond.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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