Education  Ghana Project #29847

Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans

by The African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans
Bring innovative libraries to 100,000 Africans


Well-trained librarians can help improve low literacy rates, improve education for thousands, and promote community development. However, Africa's librarians lack support. This project will train 20 librarians in leadership, innovation, and information, communications, and technology (ICT) through the International Network of Emerging Library Innovators-Sub-Saharan Africa (INELI-SSAf) program. This program has the potential to impact 100,000 individuals and advance libraries in Africa.

total goal
monthly donors


Sub-Saharan countries have the lowest youth literacy rates in the world. Access to quality education is scarce across the continent, and traditional cultures are at risk of being forgotten. Libraries in Africa can help address these concerns and more, but are underfunded. Because of insufficient training opportunities, librarians lack the skills to adapt to the needs of their communities and provide innovative services that can enhance community development through education and culture.


AfLIA will train librarians to develop their leadership, mindset, and skills, empowering them to offer innovative services in their libraries, promote community development, and cascade the knowledge to their peers. The project provides e-learning courses and face-to-face workshops on: Change Management, Partnerships, Using Data to Make Decisions, Taking Smart Risks, Digital Literacy, and The Place of the Library in the Community. The trainings will be held in Ghana, Kenya, and Namibia.

Long-Term Impact

This project will provide librarians with skills they need to innovate services for the long-term growth of their communities, such as promoting access to education as a human right and development. When librarians receive proper support, they transform their libraries into centers of influence. Training 20 librarians can create a ripple effect that leads to improved literacy, educational, and cultural services for 100,000 library users in Sub-Saharan Africa, who would otherwise be neglected.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Project Leader:
Helena Asamoah-Hassan
Accra , Ghana

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