Infant & Mother Health in Nepal's Arsenic Areas

by Filters for Families
Infant & Mother Health in Nepal's Arsenic Areas


Neonatal mortality in Nepal's high arsenic areas is 12.4 %. Safe water filters and good nutrition for these families will significantly decrease the mortality rate and increase the number of healthy children. Our target is to conduct 4 workshops for 60 women in early 2017, providing filters to each family, Nutrition and Hygiene Workshops, training to Health students and Female Health Volunteers. The Female Health Volunteers will conduct the 2 year monitoring program. This project will help >480

total raised
monthly donors


In the High Arsenic areas of Nepal neonatal mortality is 12.4%. They are drinking high concenteratoins of arsenic while pregnant and later. Many women do not know the need for good nutrition for the mother and child during and after pregnancy. Female hygiene is a great need, there are no sanatation pads in the rural villages so women use old saris and rags causing unclean conditions.


Each workshop participant in the Infant and Mother workshops receives a filter to remove arsenic, They will understand the importance of using the filter and how to replace materials after 4 years. They will understand the need for good nutrition for pregnant women, neonatal, and infants They will receive a sanitation pad and be trained on how to make more pads.

Long-Term Impact

The training and workshops will take 2-3 months. Mid Jan-Late March. The mentoring program will be 2 years and carried out by the trained Female Health Volunteers.


Organization Information

Filters for Families

Location: Wheat Ridge, CO - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Filters for Families
Linda Smith
Project Leader:
Linda Smith
Executive Director
Wheat Ridge , CO United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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