Vaccinating adults in the Mumbai slums against Covid-19 is OSCAR Foundation's priority. Misinformation, fear, lack of time, loss of income & accessibility is preventing adults from low income communities taking up the vaccine. OSCAR's 'Vaccine Education & Participation' programme provides the science, the facts & the urgency. The OSCAR team will help with vaccine registration & support adults too afraid to leave their communities to travel to the vaccination centres. Read on...
India's health system is on the brink of collapse. Lack of hospital beds, medical supplies, oxygen and vaccines has forced families to nurse critically ill family members on the streets, in car parks and at home with no medical aid. International aid is on the way, but will it be too little too late? Families living in the densely populated slum communities across Mumbai desperately need support, and they need it now. The OSCAR Foundation will educate, encourage & facilitate vaccine take up.
OSCAR does not have access to medical supplies and oxygen, but can provide critical long term help by encouraging & facilitating vaccine take up. Adults in slums, who've not had the privilege of an education are misinformed and scared. By accompanying adults to vaccine centres and providing a special SOS Covid 19 care package, OSCAR aims to significantly increase take-up. Fear, loss of income, accessibility and misinformation are just a few of the many obstacles the team will have to overcome.
OSCAR's mission is to create a better informed, safer and healthier community for the future. India's health care system is in crisis and OSCAR's grass roots initiative will reach out to support the most marginalised in Indian society living in overpopulated slums across Mumbai and in rural Karnataka.