Save Hope of 6,800 Girls drop out of school Uganda

by African Partners for Child Poverty - APPCO
Save Hope of 6,800 Girls drop out of school Uganda


The project will save 6,800 vulnerable girls from dropping out of school by providing a Package of scholastic materials, Uniforms, school fees and training on sanitary pads making as Menstrual Hygiene and management approach for girl child school retention in Eastern and Northern Uganda. The project targets 24 schools to boost education of girls affected by Poverty, war trauma, and cultural practices including early marriage. 12 boreholes will be drilled in 12 schools and nearby communities.

total goal
monthly donors


Over 35% of girls drop out of school due to early marriage and 23% drop out due to pregnancy. Girls are often excluded from education as they are expected to focus on household chores and caregiving for their younger siblings. At times parents face financial difficulties and feel unable to take care of girls in terms of school materials. In the early years of primary school, there is equal gender representation but over time due to such cultural practices, leads to girls dropping out of school


APPCO empowers girls by providing scholastic materials to boost their education, support rural girls with school fees to resist financial pressures from parents and training on making re-usable sanitary pads as Menstrual Hygiene Management. We will contract girls changing rooms and latrines in rural schools to reduce time spent in walking back home to change during periods. Those rural girls walking long distance will be provided with Bicycles to reduce risks of sexual abuse, training girl Clubs

Long-Term Impact

The project will have saved 6,800 poverty stricken girls from dropping out of school and giving them chance to rescue their families from poverty for improved well-being. Increasing rural girl's access to education reduces their vulnerability to external shocks and can drastically improve their decision making, resist pressure from cultural practices which will eventually provide for their families health and economic well-being. Schools will be conductive and free from violence and abuse.


Organization Information

African Partners for Child Poverty - APPCO

Location: Kampala - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @appcoug
Project Leader:
Michael Enyakoit Anyeko
Kampala , Uganda
$34,753 raised of $99,800 goal
517 donations
$65,047 to go
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