Government schools in Humla are not fit for purpose. We will restore 16 schools to provide good teaching facilities for over 2600 pupils and 112 teaching staff. A prime focus will be to ensure girls receive similar choices to boys and raise their educational standards and life chances. Our existing registered programme of projects have reached their natural expiry with the Government in Nepal. We are now registering our plan for the future and raise funds in readiness, to carry out new projects.
With no secondary schools in 66% of the district, education levels in Humla rank amongst the lowest in Nepal. The population groups exhibiting the highest levels of illiteracy, skills and malnutrition are women and young children. Where schools have been built most have structural damage and are in dire need of repair to withstand harsh weather conditions and adding to the safety and comfort of pupils and staff.
The main objective of this project is to repair/rebuild 16 government schools in Humla to provide a clean, safe and supportive environment. Good facilities will help teachers deliver a better education for both boys and girls.
The Nepal Trust has been running health education programmes for a number of years that have helped to raise general health standards in the district. Good educational opportunities will raise overall standards and help to close the gender gap of educational attainment between boys and girls. Nearly 3000 pupils and staff will benefit in year one and this will also support their wider families as knowledge is disseminated.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).
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