The earthquake in Southern Philippines has wrought havoc and destruction to lives and properties in many communities and there is a dire need to provide assistance in many forms. Of urgent need at the moment are food, shelter, medicines, water and sanitation. Our focus will be to assist nursing mothers and their children with their various needs in order for them to survive the disaster.
The successive earthquakes that occurred in several municipalities in the Southern Philippines has resulted to damage in several municipalities. Most often the needs of women and their children are overlooked as aid agencies and governments scramble to repair infrastructure and provide large-scale aid. We will focus our support with them by providing essential supplies for hygiene, water and sanitation.
Women and children are most often overlooked in the provision of life-giving support during disasters and we will focus on them, seeking them out in hard-to-reach remote communities where aid agencies most often no longer cover with their own support. In this way their needs are taken cared of as they try to rebuild their lives and livelihoods.
Taking care of the welfare of women and children is most often overlooked but very important for the well-being of themselves as well as for the local communities. The ultimate goal will be to forge climate resilience among vulnerable people as disaster strikes.