Bedouins Without Borders wants to help preserve a dying heritage while generating sustainable jobs for 20 Bedouin women in Bethlehem. This project will set up a Bedouin Cultural Cooperative that will use local common materials (Sheepskin/wool/Silver/Bronze) to produce new innovative products while preserving the fading arts and designs of Bedouins. From raw materials to finished unique handmade made-to-order products sold online through a professional website and an interactive catalog.
Bedouin women suffer from poverty and lack of job opportunities. Bedouin culture and heritage is facing neglect and illiteracy since most older women didn't pass the Bedouin crafts and knowledge to their daughters and younger generations. With cruel circumstances, shrinkage of grasslands, rising costs of living and with 70% of Palestinians live under the poverty line, Bedouins are facing the worst and holding on to the shepherds' way is harder than ever.
BWB trains 20 Bedouin women in the ways of the past preserving the culture and heritage in an appropriate and equipped suitable workplace producing Bedouin authentic products. Bedouin women will learn to update and use a professional marketing website with an interactive catalog reaching out to new markets and providing new audience and potential.
Twenty trained Bedouin women on the arts of the past will improve their income while preserving knowledge and heritage. Combined with a good marketing strategy and genuine Bedouin, made-to-order products, Bedouin women will rise above poverty while saving an endangered heritage and culture, as they train their fellow sistren the ancient arts and techniques.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).