Edie is a remarkable 9 year old girl who lives in Chew Stoke in the UK with her mum and dad, teenage brother and sister and pet cat Mr Fluffles and dog Sylka. Edie has battled through life from birth with health issues and disabilities but despite all this she loves life and is such a joyful little girl. The family enjoy getting out and about there is a need for an all-terrain wheelchair
Edie has severe health issues icluding a heart condition, scoliosis, hyper mobile joints, low muscle tone and is non verbal with significant learning difficulties. Despite all this she is a sensory seeker and tries anything and everything and you couldn't meet a more happy joyful little person. The family require an all-terrain wheelchair to enable them to get out and about with Edie.
The all-terrain wheelchair will be replacing one that Edie has grown out of but it is essential to enable the family to get out and about with their daughter. This equipment is not available for funding via the NHS.
The long term benefits for the family is that the wheelchair will cover Edie as she gets older and enabling the family to continue to give as normal a life as is possible to Edie.