We believe that girls and women are the gatekeepers of a resilient community and this project will aid them to keep rising from the historical challenges posed by poverty, social inequality and lack of economic opportunities in the municipality. Taller Salud, a Puerto Rican feminist grassroots organization, will step up its support by expanding its offer of health workshops, community development programs, anti-violence campaigns, and other well-defined efforts.
With a population of 28,000 people, Loiza has been steeped into poverty, violence, and inequality for generations and although women are the backbone of society, too little has been done to ensure they have the economic and social resources to keep building up their families and communities. Taller Salud has fostered their leadership and needs your help to expand our services.
This project will ensure that our girls and women develop their leadership skills and inspire others to be active participants in the betterment of their towns and, ideally, the whole island. Loiza's community leaders will keep spearheading change and teaching, by their example, that every challenge can be overcome if we lean on each other, learn from each other and empower each other.
Looking towards 2020, our organization hopes to keep building strong relationships with our girls and women and ensuring their well-being is secure by opening a Community Health Clinic, adding legal and medical services and increasing our coordinated response capacity through our School of Leadership and Empowerment in Health.