We cannot move One Million Moms OFF Welfare by 2030 without addressing the needs of fathers! Fathers are a part of the solution, not the problem. To this end, we are creating an animated adult comedy to address issues that have plagued African American low-income communities as both friend and foe (i.e. child support and welfare dependency). By increasing awareness, this project will help empower men in their roles as parents and partners.
In the Thirteen Report to Congress published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Welfare Indicators and Risk Factors, you could determine how long a mom would stay dependent on welfare by the amount of child support she received. In our efforts to move One Million Moms OFF Welfare by 2030, we cannot achieve these efforts if we continue to view and hold fathers as a part of the problem versus a part of the solution.
The Get Your Hands Out My Pocket project challenges the existence of policies, practices, and laws that exacerbate racial and social injustice and furthers the wedge between low-income mothers, fathers, and children. This project will facilitate much-needed dialogue across all races and ethnicities, as well as promote policy change and highlight the way poor black men (majority) are pinned and oppressed by the judicial systems on all fronts.
Long term impact of this project is healing brought to our communities, mental health stigmas curbed and or resolved, compassion for children that prevails above conflicts and egos. We will increase arbitration and mediation for families seeking child support before court orders will be rendered. The support of this project will also help to increase child support payments to single mothers, through partnerships that help fathers increase their earn more and pay child support.