Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors

by Restoration Project International
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors
Help Provide Access to Education for Survivors


This project will provide education scholarships for tuition, textbooks, academic materials and vocational training for 4 survivors of sex trafficking. Sex traffickers prey on at risk and vulnerable girls ages 11-14. They are tortured if they attempt to run away. This atrocious humiliation and degradation of girls demands immediate attention because the more we turn deaf ears and blind eyes the closer to home we may find its victims. Education empowers survivors to become economically viable.

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Without education, survivors are unaware of human rights and lack moral incentive to hope for a better future. Because of the preconceived notion that they can't live independent of trafficker, he loves them or there is no way out, they may obstruct their own rescue efforts. Education keeps them informed, empowers them to shun captors and gives the ability to avoid risky situations. We have a moral duty to fight for victims and to hold each other accountable for this ethical duty to society.


Our goal is to intentionally reduce the effects of ST utilizing systemic approach that enables us build momentum for sustainable restoration. Education gives victims the tools and resources that validates their desires for socioeconomic power in community; translates economic freedom into increased social status and stronger decision making power; and ability to exercise control over resources and life choices. Survivors will have stable income; the lack of which sends them back to traffickers

Long-Term Impact

Survivors have economic freedom, reduce the chances returning to sex trade, change attitudes and values. Survivors see perpetrators for who they really are, are fully aware of the power of social justice which help erase intimidation and fear of systemic victimization; learn to access criminal justice systems and social services; empower those without family ties; bridge the gap resulting from social disconnect; address safety issues that hinder transition; and keep survivors focused on freedom

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).


Organization Information

Restoration Project International

Location: Aurora, CO - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @restorproject
Project Leader:
Edith Okupa
Executive Director
Denver , CO United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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