Peoples Action For Rural Development Inc. (PsAfRD) in Papua New Guinea has a wider network with customary landowners, both households and tribal groups, who hold 1 000 000 hectares of land for trees planting for climate change mitigation contribution. PsAfRD initially proposes to trial planting 1 000 000 trees with 10,000 rural households. Each household allocates sufficient land to plant 100 trees. PsAfRD will test the behaviour of the indigenous people in this approach and plan to up-scale.
The current global warming had given rise to climate change and negative effects like the rising sea level, rise in temperature level, and rise rainfalls affecting small islands countries in the South Pacific with danger of sinking and problems of food insecurity. The indigenous tribal own lands and forests where they needed to be educated to allocate land to tree planting and sustainable forest management integrated with biodiversity conservation.
The project is a pilot testing initiation which aims at educating and getting more rural farming households who lands and forests to plant forest and conserve natural forests. Papua New Guinea has the third largest tropical forest in the world thus the owners needed to be educated to prevent deforestation and biodiversity destruction due to logging and agricultural activities. The indigenous people will be led to understand the climate change problem and so they adapt to mitigation approaches.
Afternoon the project had achieved its target of planting and growing 1,000,000 trees, up-scaling to cover 1,000,000 hectares of indigenous people's owned land continues. Scientifically, the impacts of this project will be calculated to determine how much carbon is removed. Over the years, when the trees mature, the indigenous people increase are able generate income to alleviate poverty. A collaborative partnership linked to a scientific platform is made to get technical support.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).