Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi

Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi
Help Orphans Attend School in DR Congo and Burundi


Orphan education, especially in the poor regions of Africa, Uvira city-DR Congo and Kabezi city in Burundi, has always been a challenge in these areas, many children have lost their parents during the war fighting between rebels groups and government troops. Widows are unable to pay school fees for their children, so they can continue education. To help with this issue, Jaribu Africa Inc. is working hard to buy land to build an Orphans School and Widows Center.

total raised
monthly donors


In the poorest areas, such as Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, thousands of orphans cannot attend elementary school, because their mothers are unable to pay school fees.Having lost their parents, and the lack of learning materials such as basic technology skills , they lack resources to meet their basic needs of education, food and healthcare. JA,Inc.'s biggest challenge is our not having building space in which to carry forth projects to assist these orphans with their basic needs.


Jaribu Africa, Inc. believes that everyone should have access to a quality education. It is Jaribu Africa, Inc.'s mission to administer a program to assist orphans and widows with being active and that help us do our work. The family is the most guidance source of love, financial support, and moral guidance for a child. A solid education is also the key for empowering these orphans for future success. Jaribu Africa, Inc. will assist these orphans by providing education,food,and healthcare.

Long-Term Impact

Jaribu Africa,Inc. believes in God, and in the future generations. To help build a better future generation, we have to starting in our community and empower those, such as orphans, who are less fortunate. By providing education and training, we can reduce poverty in our communities and war-torn countries. Additionally, we can empower widows to be self-reliant and feel that they have equal rights and opportunities as others women.


Organization Information


Location: Raleigh, NC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @jaribu_africa
Jean Ngoyi
Project Leader:
Jean Ngoyi
Raleigh , NC United States

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