Thousands of families in Cameroon struggle to send their kids to school each year. In 2019, the drop-out rate for primary education for Cameroon was 35.6%. This means that opportunities for these semi-literate children are severely limited. This project is helping to boost education by providing the badly-needed supporting structure and resources. We are optimize learning by providing students with meals, computer training, scholarships, school supplies, mosquito nets, etc.
According to the UN, the adult literacy rate in Cameroon is slightly above 70%, meaning almost 30% can't read or write. Children from disadvantaged families are not able to cover the costs of school supplies, books, uniforms, and related school costs. These families are also unable to provide transportation, adequate nutrition/food, and even malaria nets for the kids. These impoverished and undereducated youth are at risk to fall into undesirable life choices like crime or early motherhood.
The project is reinforcing and boosting education by providing the badly-needed supporting structure and resources. This includes the provision of scholarships, tuition assistance, uniforms, school supplies, meals, school furniture, and improved classrooms. Resources provided enhance learning and boost attendance/retention. This ensures that the children are not deprived of a quality education based on their locality or family financial circumstances.
Underprivileged children are receiving a quality education. This is helping to raise the literacy rate and transform their lives. This provides opportunities for growth and contribution to national development. By upgrading the quality of education offered in schools, we are helping to transform communities and the entire nation. Investing in child development is critical for the future of communities in Cameroon. More and better education means breaking the cycle of poverty and reducing crime.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).