Save785 youths and KPs from new HIV infections

by Kagumu Development Organization
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections
Save785 youths  and KPs from new HIV infections


HIV prevalence rate among the youths and Key populations i.e. truck drivers, fisher folks, commercial sex workers, drug users and adolescents is high in Uganda. Approximately 25% of new HIV infections are among members of the key populations and their partners. The project contributes to the reduction of New HIV infections among KPs and adolescents in Tororo and Busia Districts that borders Uganda and Kenya by 2026 through enhancing awareness, utilization and access to HIV prevention services.

total goal
monthly donors


Key populations i.e. commercial sex workers, truck drivers, fisher folks, drug users, people living with HIV and adolescents in Eastern Uganda continue acquiring new HIV infections due to lack of adequate access to HIV prevention, treatment and care services that could keep them healthy and well. Approximately 25% of new HIV infections are among members of the key populations and their partners There are no HIV programs in Uganda specifically for key populations yet they have right to health.


The project will prove HIV prevention services to 875 KPs and adolescents :tuck drives and commercial sex workers in Busia and Tororo District. The project will secure Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) and condoms to key populations. In addition, will hold community sensitization meetings t to increase HIV awareness on prevention strategies.

Long-Term Impact

The project will provide HIV prevention services to 785 KPs and contribute to the reduction of new HIV infections, mortality and morbidity among the key populations in Uganda particularly on Kenya Uganda boarder districts of Tororo and Busia through improved access and utilization of HIV prevention services. In addition, it will reduce stigma and discrimination among KPs and adolescents

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).


Organization Information

Kagumu Development Organization

Location: Mbale, Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @kado_or_ug
Project Leader:
Samson Namwoyo
Executive Director
Mbale , Uganda
$180 raised of $68,168 goal
3 donations
$67,988 to go
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