The visually impaired children in Nepal are marginalized and under privileged. These children are deprived from education because they have no access to basic visually impairment friendly education materials that includes Braille materials, slate Stylus, talking calculator, computer and geometry box. The project aims to empower through providing basic materials to these children that help them to learn and express. Your small contribution is most ideal for breaking the barrier of disability.
Disability is multidimensional complex and challenging development issue for Nepal because it is directly link to poverty. Nepal Population census 2011 mentions 513,321 persons with disabilities and 96,000 are visually impaired. These children are twofold marginalized due to limited mobility that excludes them from many opportunities for education and getting employment in future. The project aims to provide education materials to 50 such children for increasing access to education and mobility.
Primarily, the project aims to empower by providing basic materials such as Slate Stylus, Braille materials, talking calculator and geometric box. Afterwards, the organization will install computer with visually impaired friendly programming and develop education materials for knowledge enhancement. These children are socially excluded and living challenging life. The teacher is trained and taught to share their new knowledge to all. The access to basic materials motivate children in learning.
Disability is differently able hence, if we can support the visually impaired destitute children they will inspire and bring change in attitude. Access to education gain self-confidence and create positive impact in the society. Investment in visually impaired basic materials for needy children is great opportunity to be blessed as these children can further contribute and live comfort life. Education is a tools of empowerment. The project will directly benefit 50 visually impaired children.