![Planting trees]()
Planting trees
Dear friends, dear donors,
We are happy to present you this, fourth report, and to let you all know about our progress so far and our plans for second half of the year.
Since the last report, in our pursuit to complete our Centre for education rather sooner than later, we have obtained a credit loan form the Erste bank in Serbia which will be completely invested in completion of the renovation of the Centre and adjust the premises for the intended purpose. Since the loan was approved we have accomplished so much and we are very close to finish line of the renovation process now. We look forward to full utilization of the Centre to benefit our local community and education for children from vulnerable groups.
- We have obtained funds for renovation of the big conference / classroom on 2nd floor through credit loan form the Erste bank and proceeded with renovation in accordance with the previously prepared project and technical documentation.
- The auxiliary premises are also included in the overall renovation project – cleaning, painting, and furnishing
- We have organized Acting classes for the children in previous period and since it was very popular we decided to prolong duration, so the classes are still ongoing.
- We took active involvement in preparation, promotion and organization of the fundraising event “Paddle and win”, organized in Belgrade, at Ada lake, in order to support Association of women with breast cancer and the ones that have been treated with breast cancer "Let's be together". It was fundraising event organized together with Rotary Club Belgrade Skadarlija, Serbian Dragon Boat Federation, Dragon Boat clubs “Beodragons” and “Adski zmajevi”,International Breast Cancer Paddlers Commission. It was our first time to take involvement in event with this topic and we are very proud that we did and very happy that we were able to help these wonderful “Pink ladies”.
- We have successfully finished our 5 months long project “Green Schools of Belgrade” during which we visited and gave classes to children from 5 elementary schools from 5 different municipalities in Belgrade about ecology and environmental Protection and where we planted one three for every fourth grade class in every school. The idea behind planting threes, beside greened local communities is that every fourth grade class will take care for their own three for the next four years until they leave elementary school. Project is planned to be repeated every year.
Our goals for the coming period are:
- Finding corporate and institutional partners for funding even more activities in next years
- Participate in at least 5 project funded by the government and/or embassies
- Finish construction works and fully furnish our premises at 2nd floor
- Reach organizational self-sustaining point
We, at ASK, strongly believe that, partnered with all of you, we have performed a great work and that this year will be even better, that we will achieve even more together and that we will have much more impact in our community.
For all your questions or ideas we are at your full disposal at any time.
Kind regards,
ASK Team
![Planting trees 2]()
Planting trees 2
![ASK Lectures to children]()
ASK Lectures to children
![ASK children workshop on "Paddle and win" event]()
ASK children workshop on "Paddle and win" event