Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!

by Diema's Dream Fund (Russia)
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Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!
Support little champions with Cerebral Palsy!


Through the generosity of donors, we are able to pay for surgeries, treatments and rehabilitations for children with cerebral palsy. It is a great joy to help and see the results that the children can now walk alone, can better speak and are developing their abilities and potential. There are more than 80 children waiting for treatment! They are ready to work hard and endure all the procedures for the sake of their dream - to WALK! Help us make their dream come true!

total raised
monthly donors


Most children with cerebral palsy are from poor families. Their mother cannot work because she has to care for her child. Fathers often leave the family. Treatment should begin at birth, because the older the child, the harder it will be to achieve positive change. Parents with low incomes do not have the financial ability to pay for expensive medical treatment and the quota allocated by the state sorely lacking. As a result, children are left without treatment and end up in social isolation.


Cerebral Palsy can be treated! We arrange pay for the treatment of children in accordance with medical advice. After, we collect information on treatment outcomes. With proper rehabilitation, the child does not focus on their disability but they become an independent person and a full-fledged member of society. Children who have been diagnosed with CP are able to return to a full life by attending regular schools, even going on to colleges and universities and getting a job.

Long-Term Impact

With the support of donors from 2009 to 2013, we have helped 163 children and paid for treatments totaling $625,015. Seeing the results of our project, parents have optimism and HOPE for the future of their children! Through social advertising, we make the public aware of "special" children. As of January 2014, we have 84 children waiting in the queue requiring funding of $42,857! With the support of Global Giving, we can help 23 of these children at an average of $4,285 per a child.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Excel file (projdoc.xls).


Organization Information

Diema's Dream Fund (Russia)

Location: Moscow - Russia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @DimasDream
Diema's Dream Fund  (Russia)
Elena Volodina
Project Leader:
Elena Volodina
Moscow , Moscow Russia

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